Sunday, March 10, 2013

Fourth Sunday of Lent

This Sunday is the Fourth Sunday of Lent.

The readings for this Sunday are about the Prodigal Son. This is a pretty well-known story, so sometimes we forget about the true meaning of the story. 
Sometimes when a story becomes so common, 
it doesn't impact us as much as it should.

There are three major characters of the story 
we can learn a lot from:

The Prodigal Son: We should always keep running back to our Father God's arms when we mess up and we need Him most. Without the Father, the Son starved and he didn't have much life within him. We need to stay connected to God, so that we may truly live!

The Father: This is an extremely loving man! Just like God, he was so ready to forgive his son, even when he had hurt him most. GOD IS LOVE. He is always there. He is always waiting for you to come back to Him. So run to Him. He is waiting waiting waiting for you with open arms. Go to Him and open your heart to His immense love.

The Other Son: We tend to forget about this man, but sometimes we are most like him. We get jealous or upset when we see someone come back to church after a long time or when we think about someone else getting the same reward as us even though we have been faithful for so much longer. But this is the mindset of man. Turn your thoughts into the perspective of God. Don't hold the gift of eternal life and keep it to yourself. Share the love of God with everyone!

Don't get discouraged. The Lenten season is almost over. 
Stay steady and finish with a strong ending.


  1. Good job! I thought u gave up, haven't seen a post in a while....

    1. I didn't have Internet access for on the Third Sunday of Lent, so I just didn't post anything. No, I won't give up on this!
