Thursday, March 28, 2013

Holy Thursday

Today we celebrate Holy Thursday, the first day of the Paschal Triduum. We remember Jesus washing the feet of His disciples and the Last Supper.

In the Gospel reading, when Jesus tries to wash Simon's feet, Simon says, "You will never wash my feet." But Jesus replies, "Unless I wash you, you will have no inheritance with me."

This makes me think about humanity and our own sinfulness. We are so ashamed that we pull away from Him. We don't let Him draw near to us. But Jesus tells us if we don't let Him wash away our sins, then we won't have eternal life.

I think this also applies to going to Confession. Many Catholics don't make enough use of this amazing sacrament. They make excuses and avoid it. But Jesus can deal with the dirt. He isn't afraid to love us when our souls are filthy. He isn't afraid to wash away our dirtiest sins and make us something new and beautiful again. There is no sin too repulsive or too rotten that He can't wash away to make your soul shiny and clean. Confession is about the sinner, not the sins. It's about deepening our relationship with Christ and saying we're sorry for hurting Him. It's an apology that says you want to grow closer to Him and love Him in a more profound way. When our souls are dirtiest, that's when we need Him the most.

Don't be afraid to let Jesus love you. Let Him enter your heart and let Him lead you into a deeper relationship with Him. All He wants is to love you in a deeper way. Will you let Him?

Dear Jesus, as Lent draws to a close, help us to remember how important You are in our lives. Help us to be a servant like You. May we wash away the dirt from others by erasing prejudice, hate, racism, and injustice, so that Your people may know true dignity and feel their worth. When we are gathered around Your table at mass, may we always remember Your Last Supper. Remind us so that we may consciously think of Your sacrifice of giving us Your Body and Blood in Holy Communion. Change our lives this Triduum, so we may leave these three days a new creation in Your love and Your mercy.
 This we ask through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


  1. Good! You decided to do Holy Thursday entry, and also the Easter Triduum? I like the comparison of washing of the feet clean and the washing of sins away with confession. Really good job...

  2. Aww thanks :D I wish I could have posted something for Good Friday and Easter Vigil on those days, but I didn't have Internet access. I guess I'll post a little something about it now even though it's already Easter. God cannot be bound by human time, right?

  3. So ur going to put Good Friday and Easter together? That would work I think. Archbishop Sheen said that Good Fri and Easter and the same thing because u can't have one without the other...

    1. The whole service is continued from Holy Thursday to Easter Vigil or Easter Sunday, so it's all good! :)
