Today is the fifth Sunday of Lent. This is the last Sunday before Psalm Sunday and then Easter. Don't lose sight of the goal. Stay strong until the end!
It's so close to Christ's death and resurrection.
Today's Gospel talks about the woman who was caught in adultery and was about to be stoned to death. The people who wanted her dead wanted to see how Jesus would react, so they could bring up a charge against him. He surprised them all by saying, "Let the one among you who is without sin
be the first to throw a stone at her."
be the first to throw a stone at her."
We should be reminded of his words every time we try to judge someone. We need to remember that no one is sinless. Everyone is weak.
He also asked her, "Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?" She said no one since they had all walked away. "Neither do I condemn you."
We also need to remember his words here. Jesus does not condemn us. We sometimes think that God is cruel and that he is out to get us. We think he's unjust since he sends us to Hell. But it is not God who sends us to Hell; we are the ones who send ourselves there. God gives us the free will and we misuse it. So always remember that Jesus will not condemn you no matter how big your sin is. He is always waiting for you to come back to him so he can shower you
with his mercy and love.
The last thing he says to her is: "Go, and from now on do not sin any more." He heals us, and he expects us to try harder to live a better life. He wants us to be changed by the gift of his mercy and love. Are you changed after you go to confession? Do you try your best to sin no more and life a better life? Or do you just go back into those same situations and commit those same sins again and again? Do you allow God's mercy to truly work through your life? Do you let his love change you?
Dear Jesus, as we draw closer to your passion, help us to remember your reason behind your death: so that we could experience your mercy and spend forever with you in Heaven. Help us to draw closer to you. Remind us that you won't condemn us. Come into our hearts and change our lives so that, by the grace of God, we may sin no more. Help us to experience your mercy and your love in our everyday lives. This we ask through Christ our Lord. Amen.

No entry for Palm Sunday??? U dropped the ball on this one, girl... :( I better c an entry for every day of HOLY WEEK!!! :)
ReplyDeletePatience is a virtue, and if you would have practiced it, you wouldn't have needed to post that :D I just got finished posting something for Palm Sunday. I'm sorry it took me so long. I probably won't be able to post something EVERY day for Holy Week, even though I wish I could, because I won't have Internet access everyday. Sorry to disappoint...
Deletethats ok...i figured u were working on it 2nite, I was just tired and wanted to go to least do the holy triduum, u don't have to put long ones in here u know...