Today we celebrate the feast day of Saint Agnes. She was a virgin and martyr. She was only thirteen when she was martyred because she wouldn't give up her purity. She was a very beautiful girl, but she always said that she would save herself for her one spouse who was Christ. She died in 304 defending her purity and her faith in Christ. She is the patron saint of chastity, gardeners, girls, engaged couples, rape victims, and virgins.
Dear Saint Agnes, patroness of purity, pray for us who struggle with being pure and respecting our bodies. Stand by our side and intercede for us in our times of temptation. Guard our purity and help us to grow closer to Christ and to love Him as fervently as you did. Help us to be a martyr like you except in our everyday lives where it is sometimes more difficult to be pure. Intercede for us that we may become more pure of heart, and therefore, come to inherit the kingdom of God and some day praise God with you in heaven.
This we ask through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Saint Agnes, patroness of chastity, pray for us!
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