"We become like that which we love.
If we love what is base, we become base;
but if we love what is noble, we become noble."
~ Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen ~
I found this quote from Venerable Archbishop Sheen and it really struck me. In today's world, there is such a distorted view of what the word love really means. But as Christians and lovers of the Truth, we have a different way of looking at things than as the world does.
In John 4:16, the Bible says that "God is love". Love is the only thing that God can do. His complete essence is so full of love that He can not do any action unless it is out of love.
Who are you?
Who would you like to become?
These are two big questions that you must ask yourself. Notice that you don't have to answer the question "Who were you?" That question is irrelevant. It doesn't matter who you once were, all that matters is your present and your future.
All that matters now is who you can be for God.
All that matters is who you can be for love.
I'm not sure if you knew this (I honestly didn't), but Webster says that "base" as an adjective means "not following or in accordance with standards of honor and decency". So if you love the things of this world that have no honor and that are vulgar and indecent, then you shall become more like them until you too are filthy and vulgar and have no honor.
So if you want to become someone noble and beautiful and loving, you must love what is love. God is love. So fall in love with Him and He will change your essence, He will make you more like Himself. You will become something more noble because He is noble. Let Him work through your life, let Him break your base heart of stone, and let Him transform you into a beautiful instrument of His grace and love.
What do you love?
Who are you?
Who would you like to become?