Monday, June 24, 2013

St. John the Baptist

*picture from

Today we celebrate the Solemnity of the Birth of John the Baptist. There are only three birthdays celebrated by the Catholic Church and they are the birthdays of Jesus, Mary, and Saint John the Baptist. This puts into perspective how important this man is to our faith. 

Saint John the Baptist teaches us to be humble. He teaches us to point others to Christ alone and not to ourselves. He had no pride. He didn't think much of himself. He just lead others to Christ and got out of the way. He didn't ever talk about himself. He knew what God's plan for him was, 
and so he followed it perfectly. 

I pray that we can all be more like Saint John the Baptist by being less prideful, less selfish, to do God's will in our lives, and to point others to Christ.

Saint John the Baptist, pray for us.